How do I set up a Team?

Use Teams to group certain agents / mailboxes together to that you can view their aggregated statistics.

The Teams section allows you to add various agents / mailboxes to a team so that you can view their data collectively.

For example, if you create Team 1 and you assign Agent 1, Agent 10 and Agent 20 to Team 1, when you filter by Teams > Team 1 in your reports, you will see data pertaining only to Agent 1, Agent 10 and Agent 20 both collectively and individually depending on what report you are viewing.

Teams are not linked to a specific group mailboxes and includes all email performance of the agents that have been assigned to the team.

To create a Team browse to your name in the top right > Teams > Add another

Give your team a name and click Next. 

On the next page, search for the mailboxes that you want to add to the Team and click on the mailbox to add it to the team.

Note: you do not need to enter a shared mailbox address or aliases for the Teams section.